
What is Google Finance?

Google Finance is a free service that offers financial forecasts and quotes for all your portfolio management needs.

Google Finance is a free service that offers financial forecasts and quotes for all your portfolio management needs. It was launched in 2006 and has since become a go-to destination for people who want to stay up to date on their investments.

The site is organized into the following sections: Stocks, Indices, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Bonds, Interest Rates, Currencies, Commodities, News and Analysis. , and Education. The site provides a variety of different tools, including the ability to do advanced searches, track prices, generate charts, and bookmark favorite information. Users are also able to share their favorite stocks on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Google Finance was founded on February 15, 1997.In May 1998, Google became a publicly traded company and the first stock to be offered to the public through an initial public offering (IPO). The company continued to grow in this manner throughout the 1990s and 2000s and by 2007 had a market capitalization of $57 billion. In 2008, when the stock market crashed and the rest of the universe tumbled, Wal-Mart managed to increase its market cap by 40% in one year. Then, in a miraculous turnaround that is still playing out today, Wal-Mart once again came through for investors. 

google finance
Credit: Mgscreativa

Between 2009 and 2010 it increased its market capitalization from $50 billion to $132 billion. In 2011, the company’s market capitalization stood at $101.5 billion. As Wal-Mart’s stock price increased, its dividend yield increased too — from 0% in 2003 to 3% in 2010.In 2013 the dividend yield was 4%. As of March 2016, it’s 5%. On April 23rd, Wal- Mart’s dividend yield reached a new high of 6%.The dividend yield is important to investors because it tells the true value of the stock. Wal-Mart has always been a cheaper alternative to other retailers, but lately has been sitting at more than twice the profits per share of its closest competitor. The payout ratio is also very low and this fundability factor is more than ample to warrant a classic buy recommendation at these levels. Moving on to the analysis, we will first examine the chart of this stock's recent performance and developmental history. The chart below shows how the price of shares in this company has been trending over time. Notice that in early 2006, this stock enjoyed a breakout from a long-term downward trend. Price History of a Stock This chart shows the price history of a stock over time. It starts with the opening price on January 1, 2006, and ends with the closing price on December 31, 2009. There is also information provided about when shares were bought and sold along the way. Notice how in early 2006 this stock experienced an upside breakout from a long-term downtrend, setting the stage for a long-term uptrend. Figure 2.6: Example of an IRR graph from Google Finance Source: Google Finance This company, a manufacturer of aerospace equipment, is also included in the S&P 500 and ranks 5th among its peers based on market capitalization.